Find and hire the right person for every job with the aid of AI Over 1200+ companies use Xinterview everyday to save 70% of their time to hire
Reduce your hiring overhead
Try our complete hiring platform with a 14 day free trial no-credit card required . Simplify your recruitment process by posting jobs, screening candidates, and managing applicants all in one platform.
How Xinterview works.
Craft the interview questions that matter most to you. Gather the insights you need to make informed hiring decisions.
Easily send personalized invite links to candidates. No more scheduling hassles—candidates can start the interview process at their convenience.
Easily send personalized invite links to candidates. No more scheduling hassles—candidates can start the interview process at their convenience.
Candidates reply at their convenience, ensuring genuine and thoughtful responses. Our platform fosters natural interactions for better insights.
Effortlessly review video responses, compare profiles, and collaborate with your team. Streamline shortlisting and share top candidates to advance quickly in your hiring process.
Effortlessly review video responses, compare profiles, and collaborate with your team. Streamline shortlisting and share top candidates to advance quickly in your hiring process.
Hire the Right Person Every Time without limitations
Eliminate scheduling challenges and complexities, saving you time and hassle in the process.
Share the video interviews of your selected candidates with your colleagues and clients so that they can review, rate, and leave comments.
Accelerate candidate evaluation with one-way interviews, enabling efficient assessment of more candidates within a shorter timeframe.
Seamlessly incorporated into your ATS for enhanced efficiency and streamlined recruitment processes.
Easily reach our award-winning support via email, or chat for prompt assistance and effective solutions to your inquiries.
seamlessly across all major devices and browsers, ensuring accessibility for you and your candidates worldwide.